Saturday, May 9, 2009


today went to meet her at her tuition centre.she cooked SPAGHETTI for me and i cooked EGG SANDWICH as return.early morning i went to NTUC to buy bread all those things needed.i was in there like an idiot dunno where to find bread all those.HAHAx.then we headed to JURONG POINT for YAMI YOGURT again!!6 days in a row we are eating it.then we head to the block opposite to taste each other's dish.ermmm.quite tasty!!but i knew that mine EGG SANDWICH is confirm the best.i can't forget the face of her's when she eat my EGG SANWICH.she felt so.................AHAHAHAx.then send her home.when your love ones is happy you will feel even much more happy.

To know her was to love her.

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